next steps.

We hope our church can be a place where you connect to God, others, and find a home. Our Cornerstone Ambassadors, located at the Next Steps Bar in the Welcome Center, would love to connect with you and help find the best place for you to flourish.
We're so excited you're interested in learning more about who we are and joining the family!

WORSHIP 9:15am + 11:00am

Grounded in Scripture, and informed by our vision and values, we describe our two identical worship services as historic-modern. We believe worship should be intelligible, so we aim to explain what we are doing, and why we are doing it.  Our hope is that in visiting with us you will experience the hope, love, and joy that comes from a community of people who love Jesus. 


There are many ways to volunteer here at Cornerstone! From low to high commitment areas, there is something for everyone. If you aren't sure where you would like to plug in, just email the office and we will help direct you.


Cornerstone Fellowship Groups exist for the simple purpose of friendship and connection. Hospitality is our commitment. Here, we are present in each other’s lives, we care for people, we pray for people, and we create a place for people. Our prayer is that you will develop friendships that will last a life time.  


In Bible Studies we aim for head and heart connection as we dive in deep to the teaching of God’s word and how we live in light of these truths. We seek to not only grow in knowing God, but in friendship with one another.


Cornerstone’s approach to spiritual formation is built on five central themes (cores) shaped by Scripture: story, doctrine, spirituality, history and leadership. These five core courses are an invitation to grow deeper in your faith.
These Core classes are held 4 times per year. Check out our calendar of events for upcoming classes.


As part of discipleship, spiritual formation engages the whole person in a life-shaping encounter with God’s revelation in Christ and his inspired word—the Bible. Knowing God’s Story, learning and embracing the convictions and practices that flow from that Story into our lives, is our goal as we invite you into formation-based study.  


At Cornerstone, our members are those who have proclaimed faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins, have professed this faith through baptism, and have entered into covenant relationship with those who make up Cornerstone for the purpose of declaring and displaying the gospel to each other and to the world.


Junior Discover is for our 6th thru 12th grade students who are ready to give a profession of faith, become communing members of Cornerstone and take the Lord's Supper.
We offer this class once per year in the Spring. Connect with us to learn more!